Calming stress and anxiety relief (2 hours) £99
Past traumas hang in our energy fields until they are worked through or cleared. The energy from the original trauma or a culmination of traumas return from even the smallest of triggers, creating the same feelings of anxiety and panic through the quantum field and into our physical, mental and emotional bodies. Any new traumas need to be worked on and released as soon as they are recognised.
During this powerful session, I will work to calm and align the spirit, physical body, emotional body and mental body.
Stress builds up on our energy fields in the form of stress webs. These dark, heavy, stagnant, dense matters hang around all levels of the field in the form of stress webs. This is why one feels heavy and burdened when they are carrying stress with the sense of the “weight of the world” being on ones shoulders.
These stress webs and all low vibrational emotions and experiences, are filled with dense matter called mucus and miasma, which I will release and send to the light. Along with the removal of the stress web.
To accompany this, I drain the adrenal glands. Adrenal glands are small glands that sit on top of the kidneys. They gather stress hormones including cortisol and adrenaline. This stress and heavy energy needs to be released too.
I will also work on any other areas I am guided to work on during that time, if this happens, it may take longer than two hours. I will not charge extra for this time.